Friday, March 28, 2014

Sorry+Important life update

Hi. I am such a bad girl for slacking off so much from my blog but I totally have an excuse I had a few life events that changed my life in some way.
1. As many of you guys may not know I am actually  pretty good writing novels so, one woman decided she liked one of my novels and actually made puppets according to my novel. It might seem silly but it is very important for me .
2.Finally I realized that I dont need to be perfect
3. I started doing a huge project + learning HTML
So it has been very tough month scince now i will try to post more often :*
loads of love

Sunday, March 16, 2014


Hi, I just recently started  learning HTML and thats why I have been slacking off from my blog. sorry :( 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Early marriage

Hi guys.  I know that the title of the post is a little bit weird for this blog  but actually it is a right time to talk about this theme.
Early marriage is very common thing theese days.  getting married at 13-19 is not a very good idea and i just realized that .
Today I was left with my 8 month baby goddaughter for whole day and i unerstood what teen mums go through.  I cant even move right now. I didnt even have a second to sit down.  Going through this every day is not what i want to do.
Being mum should be happines and not a punishment :))
Loads of love

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Thank you + future letters

Hi guys :) I haven't posted for a while and i am really sorry :) In this post I want to talk about a few things first I want to say thank you to every single viewer on my blog!  I am so thankful and I cant get my emotions to calm down :D
So I would really like you guys to comment and be more active but just the fact that somebody saw my blog today makes me shine :))
Second I wanted to talk about the ,,future letters" i don't know if you guys have heard of it but it is a letter which you you write for an older version of you asking stuff or even writing goals that you want to reach and locking it so you wont read it till whenever you wrote it to. So when you grow older ( you can even set date) you open that letter and that is like the letter form the past I don't know I just think it is very cool and I just finished writing mine and I set date to my 15th birthday so it is around year and a half form today :)) If you write them make sure to comment and tell me if you had fun

Friday, February 28, 2014

One of the best days in my life

Today I got 2 diplomas for English and a thank you letter from my school sayng thanks for being excellent student ^_^

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Childhood... the most beautiful time.. I am a teenager now and I really miss the times when I didn't care about others opinions about my pigtales or flowy pink pants ... Guys you can never get that time back enjoy it :)))

Monday, February 24, 2014

I'm Back

Sooo I just came back from my trip and it was AMAZING! I am in love with that hotel and with all the places I got to see soo here is a view form mu room ^_^

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Heading Out

Hey guys :)) Soo... Just finished packing my backpack and I am all dressed Just wanted so say bye :)) I will surely try to upgrade you about my trip
Lots of love

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Good night

It is 23:49 here in Georgia guys ..
I just disciveted that page hit 500 views and that is sooooi cool... Soo wish you  best dreams and comment down bellow when you go to sleep
Dont forget to follow <3
lots of love

Update + Song of the day

New Item

Did you guys notice??
Ok :( 
So As you already noticed ( well... Hopefully you did. ) I changed our blog up <3 Now the background is in skulls and what else??? :)) Now as soon as you enter the website the Song of the day will appear :)) I will try to change it up every day But i will start that form Monday because I am going to Khasbegi tomorrow and I am not sure about Wi-Fi there :)) So see you on Monday. 
Lots of love

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

  I CANT PUT MYSELF IN WORDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Sometimes we all wish someone ..We want to feel their smell we want to hug them so bad but we cant ... And if we find an item that belonged ro them and stll has that smell we just cant get enough of it. Sometimes we love people so much that it hurts ...
Miss you allready mum ...
- Monion

Friday, February 14, 2014


Happy St Valentine's Day people :)) I want to make this post for people who have the need to have boyfriend/girlfriend on this ,,special" day which is not special at all :))) Okay ... Now lets just discuss this one :)) Today is 14th of February just another Friday and I am quite no actually .. Very happy :D I am going to cinema with my friends and having a casual Friday night :D ( without a boyfriend) For those who are going to say - ,,But I don't have any friends" Make them :)) I know it is easier said than done but you have to do it nobody can live without friends :)))))))))))))
Lots of love

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

You are the only one

Hi guys! It has been a VERY tough week for me ... UGH ! So during the little breaks that I make through the day I though about a very interesting thing. Is the anyone just like me? And I found the answer..
There is nobody like you. You are the only one on this planet who is this awesome , funny , smart , pretty and so on.
Everybody has talent but mos of the time they don't notice it. We all need to discover something special in ourselves. I am still trying to find it and I am not going to give up. I suggest you the same. Never give up. Know, that there is something special deep inside your heart, all you need to do is to discover it :)
I hope this post was inspirational for you or made you smile ;))
Wish  you all the best

Monday, February 10, 2014


Haven't you ever had a feeling like you don't brlong here.. like if ... Just as if you should be samehere else far,faaar away from here.. I have that feeling all the tome. I only read the books because they let me escape from this world :))) if you want to  contact me leave a comment and i will reply :))

Saturday, February 8, 2014


I am so mad right now ... My mom works in spain at once she came back for 40 days. This  is the last evening of her being here.  we haven't had 1 evening alone ... by ourselves. I just need my mum.. I hate all the guests  :(

Sunday, February 2, 2014


has your mun forced you to go somwhere you didnt want to go? ?
i am in that situation now.
tell me ur stories.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Galaxy Print

Soo lately  everyone is obsessed with the GALAXY PRINT . Well I don't really like it on me but some girls just rock it <3 what do you think about it? Do you own any items with galaxy print???
Lots Of Love

Tell ms your opinion

Guys do you like it 
I got it today in white and i love it <3 


Am i the only one to hate Saint Valentine's day???
There are couple of reasons why the first one is .... I don't have a boyfriend but all of my friends do (shmeurrrr) so I am ind of left behind on that day and second reason is even if I had boyfriend I don't need him to waste money for pink red and white crap which is completely useless :))
So what do you think about St Valentine's day??? Let me know.
Lots Of Love

Hi again

Hi, I have been ignoring this blog for 2 years and sort of forgot about it .... Yeaaahhh... Sawwwwwyyyy..
So during this time I have grown up... No I am an actual teenager.. And god that is hella hard... So i just found this blog and I was like - Why not??? I can't promise that this will be the most popular or the most active blog ever buuut .... I should really try ^_^ so i will start out with this puppy which is very sorry that i have been ignoring you :*
Lots Of Love
- Minion